What to Look for in a Product Review Site


Product Review websites abound on the internet, but they're far from all being equal in regard to honesty and integrity. Many product review sites seem to be unbiased at first glance, but further inspection indicates their true intent: to only promote products favorably, so they can make money via affiliate links.

Here are a few ways to assess if a site and its owner(s) are only in it for the money, or if they offer honest truly neutral, consumer-oriented product reviews:

1. Who Runs the Site? A real review site will have an About/Bio/or Info page that details who owns the site (and oftentimes why they started it.) Too many sites that claim to be 'product review' sites are really run by affiliates posing as "honest" reviewers, when in fact their sole intent is to only recommend every product they write about.

2. Do the Reviewers or Site Owners Purchase The Products Themselves? This is a critical factor for review integrity. Just like scientific studies, there is a strong proclivity towards favorable bias of a product if the reviewer did not pay for it himself. The fact that a reviewer pays for the product(s) him or herself speaks volumes about their impartiality and ability to remain objective during the course of the review.

Read More: What to Look for in a Product Review Site


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